B20 Media

E-Learning Development

E-learning is a highly effective tool for companies because it offers a flexible, cost-efficient, and scalable way to deliver training and educational content. It allows employees to learn at their own pace, on their own schedule, and often from any location, making it accessible to a global workforce. E-learning is also customizable, enabling businesses to tailor content to their specific needs and objectives. Moreover, it provides rich tracking and analytics, allowing companies to monitor progress and assess the effectiveness of training programs. With e-learning, organizations can reduce training costs, improve knowledge retention, and adapt quickly to changing educational requirements, making it an indispensable resource for enhancing employee skills and boosting overall productivity.

We can build whatever you need...


  • Workplace conduct
  • Travel and expense policy
  • Understanding Workers rights
  • Emergency protocols
  • Workplace safety
  • Privacy policy

Human Resources

  • New employee onboarding
  • Company culture
  • Company history
  • Employee roles and expectations
  • Workplace integrity
  • Workplace violence and harassment

Health & Wellness

  • Employee wellness
  • Managing workplace stress
  • Remote work wellness
  • Health protocols

Information Technology

  • How to protect your data
  • Phishing 101
  • Email etiquette
  • Privacy
  • Online security fundamentals

Sales & Marketing

  • Sales fundamentals
  • Sales strategies
  • Handling objections
  • Marketing fundamentals
  • Brand guidelines
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Email marketing

Customer Service

  • Customer Service Fundamentals
  • Providing Exceptional Customer Service
  • Cultural Sensitivity in Customer Service
  • Working With Upset Customers
  • Going Above and Beyond

Our Process


  • Conduct an initial meeting with the client to understand their training objectives, target audience, and specific training requirements.
  • Define the learning goals and success metrics for the e-learning modules.
  • Discuss timelines, budget, and any existing materials that can be leveraged.

Storyboarding and Content Planning

  • Create a detailed storyboard outlining the structure and flow of the elearning modules.
  • Define the learning objectives for each module and the content required to achieve them.
  • Collaborate with subject matter experts (SMEs) and stakeholders to ensure accuracy and relevance of the content.
  • Develop a script or narrative that will guide the module’s content.

Prototyping and Design

  • Develop a prototype or mockup of the elearning module, including the user interface and navigation.
  • Design the visual elements, such as graphics, multimedia, and interactive components.
  • Ensure the module’s design aligns with the client’s branding guidelines and maintains a user-friendly experience.
  • Share the prototype with the client for feedback and revisions.

Development and Content Creation

  • Begin the actual development of the elearning modules based on the approved prototype and storyboard.
  • Create engaging and interactive content, incorporating multimedia elements, quizzes, and assessments.
  • Ensure that the content is responsive and accessible across various devices and platforms.
  • Regularly update the client on the development progress, seeking feedback and approval at key milestones.

Quality Assurance and Deployment

  • Conduct thorough quality assurance (QA) testing to identify and resolve any issues, such as technical glitches, typos, or broken links.
  • Test the elearning modules on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.
  • Obtain final client approval and address any remaining feedback or revisions.
  • Deploy the finished e-learning modules to the client’s Learning Management System (LMS), ensuring proper integration and functionality.

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